We are in major re-decorating mode over here at House of Brinson. Here is a confession: We do not have any family photographs up in our loft. Why? We live in a work space where clients share the space as well, so we don’t want them to feel like they are visiting a home, but more of a space. I wanted to incorporate some pictures (well, a lot of them). I found these cheap gold frames at antique stores. I always see piles of them and have passed over them, thinking they were just junk. I will spray these black and use them for black and white family photos. I decided to only frame reproductions as the originals require custom framing. And honestly, the originals live in archival type storage, as they should, to guarantee their preservation.
Cheers to the 50 cent frames! I will have some “after” pictures to share soon. How do you frame your family photos? Do you like including them in your living spaces?
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