One of my lazy weekend pleasures is watching “Julia and Jacques Cooking at Home“. I have the box set digitized and at my fingertips on my Apple TV. No matter how many times I watch it, they always make me want to cook something, like this classic shrimp in broth recipe. Plus they crack me up, with their commentary back and forth with each other. You know these two people are true friends and chefs.
One of the things this show makes me remember is that there are so many classic dishes that are so easy, or it’s at least it’s the hosts delivery. Anyway, it makes me want to reintroduce some classics to a new generation. Simple ideas that have just been lost over time. We made this amazing shrimp in broth the other night that is just a must. It’s a speedy process and you end up with the most flavorful shrimp. Julia and Jacques recommend making this for a shrimp cocktail or just serving with the broth on the table. We opted for the family style, hands on!
Adapted from Julia Child and Jacques Pepin
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