I am beyond excited to share the One Kings Lane Tastemaker Tag Sale with you. I've had the pleasure of collecting and curating goodies over the past few months that are part of the sale. As you probably know, I'm a huge fan of vintage in all forms. If something is over used and carries character, I love it more. I've picked pieces with patina and history attached, and they might not be perfect for their original purpose but will do perfectly in a new life we give them. The pitcher and little sugar pot above make excellent vases.
The teapot above has seen better days. I imagine it in a grand dining room with fancy velvet drapes and couples dining as the sun goes down.
In the picture above, there is a set of three petite vases, collected spoons, and an all time favorite of mine, a pick set for entertaining. I use the pick set all the time, it is my go-to fancy item when we have people over I can always count on. The picks are plastic and easy to care for, and the container is plastic as well. We should work on making more plastic items as beautiful as this one, wouldn't you agree?
This table is just plain beautiful, and who doesn't need a gold flower table in their life?
Another favorite of mine, this rosewood flatware set comes out when I need to put together a quick dinner party.
True confessions: I hope no one buys this so I can keep it. I love not only the beauty but the functionality of this platter.
Another go-to entertaining item are these beautiful cheese boards from Atelier Fonteneau. They are hand crafted in Virginia and their makes an impact on any table. There are three unique boards available.
Have fun browsing the sale!
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